The fast track to NDC | Travelport skip to Main Content

The fast track to NDC

How Travelport+ helps American Airlines meet new retailing standards
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Customer: American Airlines
Channel: Airline
Product: Travelport+

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American Airlines knows NDC is game-changer for travel retailing. It needs to give the indirect channel access to all its offers, and make it as easy as possible for agents to book NDC trips. So it extended its partnership with Travelport for a faster track to NDC success.

Neil Geurin, Managing Director of Digital and Distribution, told us why the airline chose Travelport+. In this video, you’ll hear how it provides more access to airlines, more codeshare agreements, and more upsell opportunities. And that’s making all the difference in simplifying the booking process for travel agencies.

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Travelport’s ability to deliver an end-to-end NDC solution and the features in its platform are key drivers for extending our partnership.
Neil Geurin Managing Director of Digital and Distribution, American Airlines

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