Travelport Early Bird Terms and Conditions | Travelport skip to Main Content


  1. Travelport Early Bird offer applies to the following products only: Travelport Featured Property, Travelport Sponsored Flights, Travelport Sign-on Messaging, Travelport ViewTrip, Travelport Hotel Highlights, Travelport Headlines, and Travelport Partner Highlights (Eligible Products).


  1. Travelport Early Bird includes a discount of up to 66% off on Travelport Headlines for every placement purchased, as Travelport gives two (2) placements as added value. Bonus impressions will include basic targeting and will be placed run-of-site (Air Avail, Air Shop, Air Sell, Car Avail, Car Sell, and/or Sign-on Message screens). The savings referenced in this Section 2 may vary based on the type of placement purchased.


  1. Travelport Early Bird offer of 14-months of Featured Property access for the price of 12 months is available only to New Featured Property Subscribers with services commencing on or before December 1, 2022.


  1. Travelport Early Bird offer of a free upgrade on Travelport Featured Property is available only to New Featured Property Subscribers with services commencing on or after January 1, 2023.


  1. If a hotel purchases Travelport Featured Property Basic, then the hotel shall be upgraded to the Travelport Featured Property Plus Programme. If a hotel purchases Travelport Featured Property Plus Programme, then the hotel shall be upgraded to the Travelport Featured Property Premium Programme. Upgrades are valid for one (1) year only from the commencement of the Travelport Featured Property Programme. Offer only applicable to New Featured Property Subscribers.


  1. All contracts will be pre-billed and full payments are due within 30 days of invoice date. Any credit amount is forfeited if payment is not made in full within 30 days of invoice date.


  1. Offer is non-refundable, and any cancellations will forfeit any credit amount earned pursuant to this promotion.


  1. This offer cannot be combined with any other Travelport promotions or discounts.


  1. Product placement subject to availability, as determined by Travelport at its sole discretion.


  1. Travelport will not offer any rain checks or any other compensation if desired product placement is not available. This offer is being made on a first come, first served basis.


  1. Travelport Digital Media Standard Terms and Conditions apply to all purchases made pursuant to the offer.


  1. As used in these Travelport Early Bird Terms and Conditions, “New Featured Property Subscriber” is a hotel property subscribing to Travelport Featured Property services for the first time or has not had active Travelport Featured Property services for more than 6 months prior to the start of an upcoming subscription.
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